Neighbourhood Plan Survey – Stage 2

Some of you will remember giving your views about the  village in the survey that the Parish Council undertook in November /December 2023. Following on from that a series of workshops were held and it was great to get people involved in face to face discussions about the various ideas.  The Parish Council has now appointed a firm of consultants to work with us on the next stage of the Neighbourhood Plan who have pulled together the responses from the surveys and workshops.

We would now like residents and those who work in Menston or use its facilities to comment on the vision, aims and principles and policy themes that are being suggested below. Please feel free to add anything we have missed or make further comments. We need to hear from you. 

 The survey will now close on Friday 14th March.

Please encourage others to complete the survey.  There will be paper copies in the library.

There is also a photo competition – please see

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Menston will continue to be a village that nurtures community spirit, preserves its unique rural character, and promotes sustainable development, ensuring a high quality of life for current and future generations.

Menston will maintain its strong sense of identity by valuing its heritage and beautiful natural surroundings while embracing innovative solutions that meet the changing needs of its residents. The village will offer excellent amenities and services, accessible to all, fostering social cohesion and promoting well-being.

The Neighbourhood Plan will guide Menston’s future by balancing growth with careful management of resources, enhancing its green spaces, supporting local businesses, and improving infrastructure in ways that promote community, connectivity, and environmental responsibility. Menston will be a resilient community where residents take pride in their village, creating a vibrant and inclusive place to live, work, and visit.

Do you support the vision for Menston?

Aims and objectives

  • Protect and enhance the natural environment and important green spaces
  • Conserve the historic character and setting of Menston
  • Improve transport, movement and accessibility
  • Secure high-quality design in new development
  • Ensure that new housing meets the needs of the local community
  • Protect and enhance community facilities, services and local infrastructure
  • Support a sustainable and thriving local economy
  • Promote sustainability and climate resilience
Do you support the aims and objectives?

Policy themes


  • Housing mix – policy to require a mix of house types and sizes to reflect local needs
  • Renewable energy and sustainable design – policy encouraging new development to use renewable energy technologies, include EV charging points and to be sustainably designed. Support and guidance on retrofitting older homes
  • Community energy generation and storage – policy supporting and encouraging the creation of community renewable energy schemes in Menston
  • Housing design – policy to ensure that new housing is well-designed and meets criteria set out in the Menston design code
  • Space standards – policy to ensure new homes provide sufficient space for homeworking, and suitable private amenity space (gardens)
  • Nature – Policy to require Bat/bird boxes/hedgehog highways in new homes
Do you agree with the housing policy areas?

Natural environment

  • Local Green Spaces – policy to protect valued green spaces from development
  • Green infrastructure and biodiversity – policy requiring green infrastructure and biodiversity improvements in new developments
  • Sport, leisure, open space provision, allotments – policy to enhance existing, and encourage new sport, leisure, open space provision and allotments
  • Tree and street planting – policy encouraging new tree planting in Menston
  • Key views – policy to retain key views, new development to mitigate impact on these views
  • SuDS – policy requiring permeable surfaces, and sustainable drainage systems in new development
Do you agree with the natural environment policy areas?

Community facilities

  • Community facilities – policy identifying existing community facilities to retain existing, and encouraging new facilities
  • Local Centre and retail  – policy supporting the retention of local retail provision and encouraging new retail outlets
Do you agree with the community services policy areas?


  • Car parking – policy setting out acceptable parking standards and guidance for new development
  • Pedestrian and cycle connections – policy encouraging new pedestrian and cycle connections in Menston
  • Connections to bus and rail – policy requiring new development to be located close to bus and rail services
  • Ev parking/charging points – policy requiring new development to include EV charging points
  • Cycle parking and storage – policy requiring new development to include suitable cycle parking and storage
Do you agree with the movement policy areas?


  • Design and development in the conservation area – policy setting out design criteria for new development in the conservation area
  • Non-designated heritage assets – policy identifying heritage assets in Menston
Do you agree with the heritage policy areas?

Your Details

What is your interest in Menston? Tick all that apply