Community Infrastructure Levy
The Parish Council has now devised an application form which local organisations and individuals should use to apply for funds. A copy of the form is available to download by clicking on the link below.
The Parish Council currently has now given £128,075 in funds to Menston organisations to spend on specific projects (listed in the following annual returns) and set aside an additional £130,000 for three projects in Menston. This leaves a balance of £56,502 and local organisations are very welcome to apply for funds.
You may know that, within certain criteria and restrictions, Government introduced a levy on new developments.
The idea being that residents of the area should be able to pinpoint projects that would to some extent mitigate the impact of development in their area. Menston Parish Council is one such beneficiary.
Any money not spent within 5 years of receipt would be forfeit! Some of the earlier receipts may have been spent on projects, for example the play equipment in the Park and the Wharfedale Greenway. Details to be agreed and verified.
Organisations and Residents in Menston are now invited to submit bids or make suggestions on how the CIL money should be spent!
One of the key features of CIL is that a proportion of revenue received by the charging local authority (Bradford) will be passed directly to those town and parish councils in England and community councils in Wales where development has taken place – for most parish and town councils like Menston it will be 15%, but for those covered by a Neighbourhood Plan in England this will rise to 25%.
The vast majority of new development could be subject to the charge. There are, however, a few exceptions such as buildings in which people do not normally go into, affordable homes and self-build developments.
CIL can only be charged where its introduction would not affect the viability of the development scheme, i.e. where it can be shown that the imposition of the charge would not seriously affect the profitability of development in that area. This requirement may especially be an issue for those parts of the country where the development market is less buoyant.
A charging local authority must prepare, consult on and publish a document (sometimes known as the ‘Charging Schedule’) that sets out the types and locations of development that will be the subject of the charge in their area, and how much they intend to charge. (Which Bradford has done).
Examples of how CIL monies can be used are to support the development of the local area to fund:-
(a) the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure
(b) anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area “Infrastructure” includes physical, social and green infrastructure e.g. Highways; cycleways; education facilities; sports and community halls; parks and play areas.
CIL monies cannot be used for everyday TPC expenditure or for spending on items or services which fall outside the TPC’s remit (whether that be by statute or Power of Competence).
Examples of how CIL monies have been spent include:-
· Supporting a Town Bus service (Henley on Thames Town Council)
· Ultrafast fibre Broadband (Waterstock Parish Council)
· Installing village gates on a main road verge to slow down traffic (Bix and Assendon Parish Council)
Whilst the Levy is aimed at infrastructure in general, it seems like the rules on what a Parish Council can spend its portion on are much wider than that, see guidance here:
Philip Moore (Chairman of MPC).
Menston Parish Council CIL Annual Reports
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2016-17
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2017-18
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2018-19
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2019-20
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2020-21
Menston Parish Council CIL return 2021-22