Menston Community Association

Thank you for your interest in the Menston Community Association! This section of the site is being updated and we hope to bring you lots of interesting information and the latest news very soon. Please bear with us!
The Menston Community Association is pleased to support the Menston Scouts & Guides as they continue their fundraising efforts to build a new HQ. Please find below just some of the upcoming fundraising events happening in the village.

The Menston Community Association (MCA) is a voluntary organisation with charitable status which acts as an ‘umbrella organisation’.
This includes groups such as Menston in Bloom, Menston Business Association, the War Memorial Committee, Light Up Menston and Friends of Menston Park and coordinates interaction between these and other interest groups operating in the village. All Menston residents over the age of 18 (from both Bradford and Leeds Council areas) are automatically members of the MCA and are welcome at our regular meetings.
Our Mission Statement:
To unite the village through community driven engagement, communications, events and experiences in order to enhance the wellbeing, inclusivity and amenities of the community for its residents.
Thanks to all those that attended and contributed to our first MCA meeting for a while on Wednesday, 27th October 2021. It was great to see people in the flesh again as well as having some people join us on-line; also good to see people attending for the first time.
Topics covered included improvements in the park/recreation ground; an update on airport matters; news from the Climate Action group including Main Street and the Big Green Week; great news about Light Up Menston’s plans for December 4th at Kirklands; Menston in Bloom’s plans to start a new group on Wednesday evenings and how they are involving (very) young residents; Remembrance Day and Sunday 14th services, and some initial thinking about how we can come together as a village to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year. As part of the AGM a new chairman was elected. Fuller notes can be viewed in the Meetings section of this website.
During the lockdowns we have been supporting the Menston Helpline initiative, the Main Street consultation and helping the parish council with consultations regarding the improvements in the recreation ground.
Thank you for your time in reading this and we hope to see you at our future meetings.
Your feedback and comments are always welcome.