Menston Community Fridge

Menston Community Fridge is free to use and since opening on 20th February 2023 has stopped nearly 4.5 tonnes of food being sent to landfill

Community Fridges aim to reduce the amount of food going to landfill. Volunteers collect ‘surplus’ food from local supermarkets and deliver them to our base in Kirklands Community Centre. We then redistribute this perfectly edible food to anyone who can use it. The fridge is free to use, but voluntary donations are welcome, as these help to cover our running costs. Since opening on 20th February this year, we have redistributed nearly 4500kg of food which would otherwise have ended up in landfill.

The success of Menston Community Fridge is down to our wonderful team of volunteers; some collect the food, others manage the fridge during opening hours. If you would like to join us, please get in touch.

Opening Hours


9:00-9:30; 9:45-10:15




2:30-3:00pm; 3.15-3:45pm

