Menston Cares 

Is a voluntary organisation that was set up in 2002 to offer support services to our village of Menston. Whilst our village still enjoys a sense of community, sometimes we need additional help which friends or neighbours may be unable to give.

Contact Details

Jane Pratt
Allyson Hargreaves

Do you need help? Can you give help?

All our volunteers:

  • Carry identification cards
  • Are protected by insurance cover
  • Provide two references
  • Receive appropriate training
  • Are police checked

If you need help from any of our support services please ring the named CONTACT person. Please make your phone calls between 9am and 9pm. If you would like to offer your help with any of our services, or for general enquiries please use the listed contact details. Like other groups working with vulnerable adults, we have an Adult Protection Policy. If you are concerned about inappropriate treatment of such people by anyone else, you can contact Jane or Allyson.

Our Support Services

Visiting and Befriending

Volunteers provide regular visits to people who may be housebound or feel isolated, giving the opportunity to chat and socialise. If you are a carer we can provide occasional respite from your responsibilities for an hour or two. We can provide a visitor who can give people friendly support and reassurance if they have just come out of hospital. This is in addition to any help provided by nursing or social services.

Contact: Jane Pratt 01943 876945 or Kathy Roberts 01943 874229

Menston Good Neighbours

Occasional transport for local medical, dental, chiropody, eye and hair appointments; with prior notice. 

Help can also be provided with shopping.

Contact: Sally Murphy 07539 381800 or Goodith White 01943 872043   

Village Cameo Lunch

For older people who live alone and wish to join others for a meal and conversation. On the second Wednesday of each month a simple lunch is provided at 12noon in the Cornerstone Cafe. £4 for a bowl of soup, bread roll, pudding and tea or coffee.

Contact: Caroline Wood 01943 871247

Strolling for Health

For those who can manage only short walks, but enjoy company. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 10am at the Co-op, Main Street.  Also escorted walks for those not confident to walk alone.

Contact: Joanna Hobson 01943 879549

Odd Jobs

Help for people who cannot perform simple tasks around the house or garden themselves.  Advice is given on where to obtain help for larger jobs.

Contact: Ian Howe 07966 211790


Qualified drivers, using the Ilkley Community minibus, provide escorted outings, including canal boat trips, for Menston residents who are housebound, disabled, or unable to use public transport. 

Contact: Jane Pratt 01943 876945

Other Services in the Area

Friday Friendship Group

Open to anyone in Menston; come along to hear a variety of interesting speakers and enjoy a cup of tea with a friendly group of people. Meets every two weeks, on Fridays at 2pm, in the Methodist Church.

Contact: Maureen Hobson 01943 873573

Talking Newspaper

Free weekly CD of local news for anyone who has difficulty with printed words.

Contact: Lorraine Hockey 01943 600869


A cafe for the community at the Methodist Church, Main Street. Open for refreshments and light lunches Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am-1.30pm. Saturday 9am-2pm. A warm welcome to all.

Hockney Group

For people from Menston and Burley who are blind or partially sighted. Meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Burley. For more details…

Contact: Peter Halliwell 01943 863274

Menston in Bloom

A friendly group who meet to maintain, plant and develop the green areas in Menston. Make Menston a lovely place to live, build friendships, learn new skills, and possibly improve your health!

Contact: Geoff Lomas 01943 874 506

Carers’ Resource

Offers emotional and practical help to carers in coping, and opportunities for training or socialising.

Contact: Skipton office 01756 700888

Age UK Bradford District

Free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Telephone appointments to provide information and support on benefits, housing, health and social care, leisure and social activities.

Contact: 01274 391190

Citizens Advice Bureau

Independent, confidential, impartial advice on a wide range of issues e.g. benefits, debt, consumer issues, work and housing.



A parent-led registered charity for local families of children with additional needs offering support, activities and fun for all the family.


Menston Friends & Family Hub

A place for the friends and family members of children and young people with learning disabilities and difficulties to connect, share information and learn new skills.
