About the Parish Council

Menston Parish Council was formed in 2006 and is one of 21 town and parish councils across the Bradford District. The Parish Council consists of seven elected councillors and a part-time paid clerk.
Contact details for each of the councillors can be found by opening the Parish Councillors page. Contact details for the clerk can be found by opening the Contact the Parish Council page.
The Parish Council and Planning Committee usually meet on the last Thursday of every month. Information about the Parish Council meeting dates and copies of the agendas and minutes can be found by opening the “Meetings, Agendas and Minutes” page. Information about the Planning Committee meetings and about the planning applications being considered at the Planning Committee can be found by opening the “Planning” page.
Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council and Planning Committee meetings and raise issues of local concern in the public consultation slot at the beginning of each meeting.
Upcoming Parish Council Meeting
Please see the Minutes & Agendas page for upcoming Council Meetings.